Masteron Propionate



What is Masteron Propionate?

Masteron Propionate, also known as Drostanolone Propionate, is commonly known as a popular cutting compound particularly favored by those who compete in bodybuilding contests because its maximum potential is seen in people who are already lean, cut and are carrying low fat levels. It is especially good at helping you burn off the most stubborn final ounces of fat that can be hard to shift with other compounds while helping you get the most hard and dry look possible because this steroid comes without the issue of fluid retention.

Masteron is a steroid that’s derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) with a slight chemical alteration that gives Masteron a higher anabolic rating than DHT itself. Propionate is the most common form of Masteron, with Enanthate being harder to find even though it comes with a benefit of less regular injections because of its longer half life. Both forms are relatively difficult to find as they are no longer manufactured in US pharmaceutical labs.

Recommend Dosage:

  • Recommended Weekly Male Dosage: 200-600mg but can vary based on goals and experience of user
  • Ideal injection frequency: Daily, however, 3 days per week is sufficient
  • Minimum cycle length: 8 weeks
  • Ideal cycle length: 12 weeks
  • Maximum cycle length: 16 weeks
  • Female Dosage: 50-100mg/week

Common Stacks:

For size and strength, we recommend mixing Mast Prop with Testosterone Enanthate or Trenbolone Enanthate.

For users looking for extreme results we further recommend stacking with an oral anabolic such as Anavar or Winstrol.

The use of an estrogen blocker or aromatase inhibitor is not necessary due to its lack of aromatizing activity.


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